Compound ID 337   (prev - next)

Name: Trequinsin hydrochloride (3060974) (edit)

4 entries:
TreatmentTrequinsin hydrochloridephysiological functionlifespanTranscriptomeProteomeMetabolomeTargetReferenceblinded
CID (PubChem)3060974ChEMBLoxidative stress resistancemean lifespan
ConcentrationExposure timeFoodGrowth mediumSpecial additivesC. elegans strainTemperatureChange compared to controlPercentual change compared to controlp < 0.05notesChange compared to controlPercentual change compared to controlp < 0.05notes
33 µMwhole life; start: A1Ampicillin-resistant OP50 strainliquid S-mediumCarbenicillin, Amphotericin B, FUDRN2 (wild type)20°Cup64.00yesA5; Stressor: 100 mM paraquat for 24 h; endpoint: survivalup27.00yesYe X, Linton JM, Schork NJ, Buck LB, Petrascheck M (2014) A pharmacological network for lifespan extension in Caenorhabditis elegans. Aging Cell 13, 206-215.